“What makes a good performance?”

Immersive Music students are looking forward to performing in our mid-year recital very soon. As the event approaches we have been using a little class time to practise our performance skills and discuss what makes a good performance?

Before you arrive

Consider what you will wear. How formal or informal is the performance? Choose something comfortable and try wearing it at home to make sure it feels right, when you play your piece. Consider your footwear, especially if you using the pedal. Thongs/flip flops are generally a NO for all types of performance.

First impressions

When its your turn to share your fabulous music with the audience, a clear and confident introduction of your name and piece, delivered with a smile is always appreciated and sets a great first impression before your fingers even touch the keys!

Take a moment to prepare

After your introduction, take a moment to check the piano stool height and distance from the keys is suitable. Place your music on the piano appropriately, take a seat and give yourself a moment to find your starting hand position and imagine what the beginning of your piece will sound like. Also check your posture - are your feet supported on the floor, are your curved fingers ready to go, is your back nice and straight?

Time to Play!

As you play your piece, share your enjoyment of the music with your body movements, your use of varying dynamics and articulation. Be mindful of your speed, keep the piece at a consistent tempo throughout (unless marked otherwise). And if you should happen to stumble or play a wrong note, keep it your little secret and just keep playing. Often the audience won’t even notice, if you look like you meant it!

Final impressions

Be sure to take a moment to stand next to the piano after your performance to receive your well deserved applause and thank the audience for listening, with a bow or head-nod and a big smile!


“Music Theory...What's it all about??”